Networking: The #1 Unwritten Rule of Business Success

Recently, I pivoted and created my own marketing services & consulting business after many active years within the equestrian publishing industry. At this stage of my life and career, what was I thinking? I leaned in and asked my friends for help! A key element of building and growing my business, or any business for that matter is effective networking. People do business with people they know, like and trust. Companies don’t make decisions, people do!
Creating a professional network can open doors that otherwise might not be opened to us. For better or for worse, it’s not just what you know and are capable of accomplishing, it’s who you know, that’s important for business development. You can also learn and gain valuable insights from people in your network who have experience and expertise outside of your own.
Take the first- step in networking and identify all the people that you interact with whom could potentially offer you valuable assistance or guidance to make your business known. Be sure to include contacts that add expertise outside your industry into the mix. Your network should consist of a variety of people.
- Coworkers
- Family
- Friends
- Professionals & Experts within your Industry
- Clients or Customers
- People you meet at Events, Trade Shows, Association Meetings & Conventions
The goal is to continually develop relationships in like or related fields to expand your ability to find new customers, opportunities, partner, and build profitable growth for your business.
Networking is the #1 unwritten rule of success in business” – Sallie Krawcheck
People do business with people they know, like and trust. Companies don’t make decisions, people do!